Testing Solutions

5 Benefits of Software Testing that Lead to Business Optimization


Managers often see software testing as a cost source and go to lengths to cut these costs by compromising on the quality of the testing or by dropping it altogether. In the end, testing does little to actually contribute to accumulating revenue, right? Wrong.  Software testing is actually a great tool for business optimization. In this article, we will show you why and how testing can be a profit source for your company.

Better Quality Products

Better quality testing means better quality software, which translates into products that add more value to the customer. Remember that customers are willing to pay more for increased value. What’s more, when you sell a high quality product, you gain in reputation and brand image, things that are invaluable on the long term for the growth of any business.

Happier Customers

As you well know, the sale of a product doesn’t actually end with the sale. The client can ask for a refund if he or she is unhappy with the product. In addition, if the product is not reliable, you will have to spend money fixing or replacing it. When you add the costs, the bottom line is that it pays to produce a higher quality product, and software testing done right is the only way in which you can guarantee that what you’re offering is valuable and reliable to the customers.

Increase Sales

A good product needs less promotion than one with problems, because people recommend it and word-of-mouth is the most important promotion tool there is. Offering your clients a product that has been rigorously tested and quality checked means that you value them and go the extra mile to offer the best on the market. This will go a long way into not only getting new customers, but also retaining them.

Cut Costs

How do you cut costs with software testing when testing in itself is a service you have to pay for? First, software testing saves you money on the long run because it makes sure you use and sell software that is reliable and that doesn’t need constant fixing and patch-work. Think of the last time you compromised on a service or product and you’ll realize that you probably ended up spending more on the long run, either in actual money or in inconvenience.

Second, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, a major benefit of software testing is that it allows you to remove errors and problems before the products get on the market. This can spare you of great headaches later when unsatisfied clients come knocking on your door. Customer support can be very expensive.

Third, by using automated software testing solutions where applicable, you gain in quality and decrease the costs of the service. Another advantage is that automated solutions produce more consistency, which means more quality for your software.

Improve User Experience

Whether the software is used internally or sold to clients, it has to be easy to use and understand. Only testers with experience can make sure that the software is designed in a way that allows users to follow a logical and intuitive path. Improved user experience also means that the software should be free of bugs and errors, which can be a source of frustration and inconvenience for users.

Choosing a professional software testing service, with a team that has the experience and know-how to produce the best possible quality for you, is guaranteed to significantly improve user experience and, as a result, to result in more satisfied clients.

Business Optimization

The bottom line is that software testing leads to business optimization. This is the biggest benefit of all, and it encompasses all the other benefits:

  • More satisfied clients
  • Customer retention
  • Less costs with customer service
  • Less costs with fixing
  • Automation of processes
  • Better quality and more reliable products
  • Improved reputation and brand image

Euro-Testing has almost ten years of hands on experience with helping businesses optimize their operations through professional software testing solutions and tools. Our consultants are specialized in different areas of expertise, making sure that we can offer you the best service possible. Contact Euro-Testing for a consultation. We only take on projects that we are 100% sure that we can deliver successfully, so you can be sure that you will be able to benefit from all the advantages listed above.

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1 Comment
  • June 23, 2016 at 7:23 am

    yes! Software testing is always beneficial as it increase the return on investment with higher percentages. Testing will ensure the higher standards and proficiency in products, which will surely help developers to keep the interest of their customers.

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